Wiki / Canary
Canary is an island accessible by ship, the legend of Teide says there are a large number of spawns and mystic creatures.

- The city contains a lot of high-end houses and farms west and east of the city gates. At the marker there's also a teleport to "Raids", the three hunting rooms each is open only for 20 minutes each per hour. They are great from level 150+
- Amazons and Valkyries (Level 20+ recommended)
- Minotaurs spawn (Level 20+ recommended), reachable by canoe located by the coast just north west of the Amazon spawn. In the desert you can also find Infernalists spawn (Level 50+ required), Tombs (Level 20+ recommended) and Falcons (250+ required)
- Herofortress castle and dungeon (Level 80+ recommended)
- Swamp Trolls (Level 8+ recommended), a hole is located by the end of the red line
- Highclass Trolls (Level 50+ recommended), walk east of town.
- Glooths spawn (Level 100+ recommended)
- Roshamuul (Level 200+ recommended)
- Asuras (Level 200+ recommended)
- Lizards and Drakens (Level 100+ recoomended for lower floors, level 200+ for upper floors)
- Lizards on main floor (Level 80+ recommended, underground is Deeper banuta and Level 200+ recommended)